Saturday 19 November 2016

Nginx SSL setup for multiple ports

This blog is related to setup SSL cert over Nginx server if you have .cert & .key file then you are able to setup this SSL If you don't have any please create locally or purchase from SSL provides.

SSL give use a secure socket protection which help to keep our domain / website heathy.

Below is the simple steps .

1) Upload your .cert & .key file on your server like Amazon Ec2 / Digital Ocean using any tool or "scp" ubuntu command.

2) Install Nginx on your server.
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install nginx

3) After successfully installation you need to create a ssl_certs Folder in /etc/nginx/
mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl_certs
please check once if the folder is already exist then don't need to create the folder again .

4) Put your .cert & .key file in /etc/nginx/ssl_certs folder

5) Edit: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default and add your domain as per my given configuration.

6) Restart you nginx server
  • sudo systemctl restart nginx # New version of Ubuntu 16.04
  • sudo service nginx restart # older version of Ubuntu 14.04

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