Friday 6 February 2015

Basic Git Command

Git is use for VCS ( Version Control System). To use for records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions according to programmer requirement.
Git allow you to revert files back to a previous state , revert the entire project back to a previous state , and also compare changes over time , you also able to see who last modified the code in file or any changes.

Here i write some most important and basic command of Git for Beginner Git User.

1.  How to install Git in Ubuntu  ?
/$ sudo apt-get update
/$ sudo apt-get install git

2. How to Set Up Git ?

/$ git config --global "Your Name"
/$ git config --global ""

----------------------------------For see all Configuration--------------------
/$ git config --list

Now this is some Basic Git Commands .

a) For create a new local repository
 =>  git init

b) Create a working copy of a local repository
 =>    git clone /path/to/repository

C) For  a remote server, use  
 => git clone username@host: /path/to/repositroy    

d) Add files (one or more files)
=> git add <filename>

e) Commit directory for local changes.
=> git commit -m "commit message"

f) Send changes to master branch of your remote repositor.
=> git push origin master

g) List the file you've changed in local branch and those you still need to add or commit.
=> git status

h) If you haven't connected you local repository to a remote server , then use this command to add the server to be able to push to it.
=> git remote add origin <server>

i) List all currently configured remote repositories:
=> git remote -v

 *Switch from one branch to another:
=> git checkout <branchname>

*For create a new branch.
=> git checkout -b <branchname>

*For check you current branch
=> git branch

*For delete the branch
=> git branch -d <branchname>

*Push all branches to your remote repository.
=> git push --all origin

j) Update your remote repository.
=> git pull

This is some use full and very basic command of git .

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