Friday 27 March 2015

Geting S3 bucket data from aws after updating version v2 in ruby

After updating gem Version 1.50 to 2.0 of aws then i facing problem to download the data from S3 Bucket on aws server (Amazon web Services).
Aws::Errors::MissingRegionError: missing region; use :region option or export region name to ENV['AWS_REGION']

AWS.config(access_key_id: '...', secret_access_key: '...', region: 'us-west-2')
On last version of aws we smply use s3=       and fetching the bucket by using s3.buckets['bucketName']  

After Updating gem we first change the old Configuration and minor syntactical changes.
like Version 2 uses the Aws namespace, not AWS.

And configuration of region is like this.
  • Aws.config[:region] = 'Region'
  • Aws.config[:credentials] =['AccessKeyId'], creds['SecretAccessKey'])

For S3 bucket fetching from aws server we use this..
s3 = credentials)
s3.get_object(bucket: 'Name', Key: 'objectKey')
resp = s3.list_objects(bucket: 'aws-sdk-core', max_keys: 2)
resp.contents.each do |object|
  puts "#{object.key} => #{object.etag}"
This method is use to get key by bucket Name.
get_object method simply return the method of s3 bucket in Paging Responses.

For more important method please goto Amazon (aws Documentation).

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